Dog Dental Cleaning: The Ultimate Guide for Pet Parents

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10 min read

Updated - Feb 20th, 2024

Key Points

  • Regular dental care for dogs is essential to keep your pup healthy throughout their life.
  • Brushing your dog’s teeth at home can go a long way in maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
  • Learn the common signs of canine dental diseases to ensure your pup gets prompt medical attention.

Did you know that taking care of your pup’s pearly whites is just as important as taking care of your own? Many pet owners think the time their pet spends chewing bones or crunching kibble is sufficient for keeping teeth clean and healthy. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. And because your dog can’t brush their own teeth or book dental appointments, it’s up to you to do it for them. 

Dog dental issues can cause more than bad puppy breath. They can lead to bleeding, oral pain, infection, and loose teeth. Untreated gum disease can even damage vital organs, leading to serious health issues and significant veterinary care. 

The good news? You can prevent gum disease and keep your pup’s mouth in top condition with a few simple steps. Read on to find out how to handle dog dental cleaning at home and when to see a professional.

Why is dog dental care important?

Doggy teeth go through a lot every day, from breaking down food to carrying toys to self-grooming. The combination of saliva, food, and bacteria creates plaque, a sticky substance that adheres to the tooth’s surface and calcifies into tartar. 

If your pet’s teeth aren’t cleaned and maintained properly, plaque and tartar can build up, which may cause:

  • Bleeding, inflamed gums (gingivitis)
  • Periodontal (gum) disease
  • Painful infections and/or abscesses
  • Bad breath
  • Tooth decay
  • Tooth loss

Good dental health is the foundation for good overall health. Chronic bacteria in periodontal disease will not only cause discomfort in the mouth but also have the potential to spread to vital organs like the kidneys, liver, and heart.

Dr. Patricia Collins, DVM

Periodontal disease – big ruh-roh! 

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is an infection of the tissue around the teeth that can cause bone and tooth loss as it progresses. It frequently affects dogs and cats.

Advanced periodontal disease can also impact your dog in other ways. The harmful bacteria produced in your dog’s mouth enters the bloodstream, where it can gradually damage the heart, kidneys, and liver. Regular dental care is crucial to avoid serious medical issues. 

This is especially true for small and toy breeds with tiny mouths that are more susceptible to dental disease. Knowing the signs of periodontal disease helps you catch dental problems early enough to effectively treat them.

Dental disease has a significant impact on our pets’ overall health. Periodontal disease puts our pets in a state of chronic inflammation and constantly swallowing bacteria can have effects on the liver, kidneys, and heart.

Dr. Mondrian Contreras, DVM

4 keys to preventative dental care

Dog with toothbrush in their mouth

1. Regular professional dental checkups and cleanings 

When you schedule regular dental checkups for your pup with your veterinarian, not only can you help prevent dental disease, but you can also catch it early if it does develop. Your dog should have a professional dental checkup and cleaning every 12-24 months, depending on your veterinarian’s recommendation and your dog’s needs.

At your appointment, your vet will check your pet’s teeth and gums. They’ll also take measurements of the pockets around the teeth and take dental x-rays. They’ll look for:

  • Missing or extra teeth, an overbite, or an under-bite
  • Fractured or broken teeth
  • Symptoms of gingivitis or periodontal disease 
  • Tartar buildup on teeth and along the gumline
  • Abscesses or signs of infection
  • Bumps or lesions that may indicate a tumor 
  • Facial swelling

Dental cleaning for dogs is very similar to the cleaning you receive at your dentist. Your veterinarian will:

  • Scale the teeth to remove plaque and tartar.
  • Polish teeth to smooth the surface and make it harder for plaque to stick.
  • Flush your dog’s mouth to remove any remaining bits of plaque or tartar.
  • Recommend ongoing oral care.

Your veterinarian will put your pup under anesthesia to keep them still and safe during their checkup and cleaning. To ensure general anesthesia is safe for your dog, your veterinarian will conduct a thorough pre-anesthesia evaluation and monitor your dog’s vital signs throughout the procedure.

“There can be many reasons a pet parent is reluctant to get a cleaning, like previous anesthesia experience, discomfort, scared of being separated from their pet for the day etc. but the two most common reasons I find that people are reluctant to do regular cleanings are: 1. they think that dental disease is normal (so they don’t think it’s necessary to have them cleaned) and 2. anesthesia concerns. The anesthesia concern is usually addressed by helping pet parents understand that blood work is required before the procedure to make sure overall health is good and we have all the monitoring equipment to make sure ALL our vital and things like EKG, Blood Pressure, SPO2, EtCO2 are all monitored throughout the procedure.“

Dr. Mondrian Contreras, DVM

2. Brush your dog’s teeth at home 

One of the most effective ways to ensure clean teeth is by developing a tooth-brushing routine. Although dental disease is common among dogs, only 7% of dog parents brush their dog’s teeth daily.

Brushing those canine teeth gently removes that yellow plaque that can calcify into tartar. Preventative care is critical because once tartar forms, it can only be removed by a veterinarian.

Cleaning a dog’s teeth may be challenging at first, but it’s worth getting right. Here’s some advice for positive cleaning sessions for you and your pup:

Daily dental routines should be established as soon as your puppy comes home. Pet owners should start getting used to looking in the mouth, handling the face, and gently putting fingers in the puppy’s mouth. As part of my first meeting with a puppy, I will discuss future dental care and its importance with the owners. Puppies have baby teeth, but just like with human babies, it is important to establish routines as early as possible.

Dr. Patricia Collins, DVM

How to brush your dog’s teeth 

Step 1 – Start early and gradually

Start the teeth brushing habit early so your pup gets used to you touching their mouth. Start by running your fingers over the outside of their mouths, chin, and cheeks. The whisker area may be sensitive, so go slow and be gentle. 

Once your dog is comfortable, run your finger around the inside of their mouth and over the gums. Give your pet plenty of praise as you both get accustomed to this routine.

Step 2 – Make teeth cleaning tasty

Dog toothpaste comes in many flavors, such as chicken, liver, or peanut butter. Start by putting a dab on your finger and letting your dog taste it. 

Never use human toothpaste. Fluoride will upset your dog’s digestive system and can be toxic when swallowed.

Step 3 – Introduce the toothbrush

Introduce your pup to a doggy toothbrush by letting them mouth it and play with it. When they’re comfortable, add toothpaste and let them lick it off. 

Next, gently brush the outside of your dog’s teeth and gums using slow, circular motions. Angle the brush bristles toward the gum line. If your dog isn’t cooperative with the brush, try using cotton gauze wrapped around your finger, a dental wipe, or a finger brush.

Step 4 – Keep it brief and fun

You only need a couple of minutes each day to achieve good oral hygiene. Keep teeth cleanings quick, and use praise and healthy treats throughout to make the sessions a positive experience.

Nothing takes the place of brushing, I always make sure owners know that, then I direct them to the Veterinary Oral Health Council website for veterinary dentist-approved products for their pets, and make sure that they use approved products while also ALWAYS BRUSHING their pet’s teeth.

Dr Mondrian Contreras, DVM

3. Feed them a balanced, healthy diet 

A balanced diet plays a key role in healthy teeth and gums while boosting your pup’s overall health. Many pet parents believe that kibble alone will keep their pet’s teeth clean. Unfortunately, while kibble provides friction to the enamel, it can’t remove plaque or tartar. Also, it has no effect on the gum line, which is the most important zone.

You may also consider enzymatic rinses and water additives designed for dogs. This preventative care prohibits the formation of plaque by raising the pH balance in your dog’s mouth and demineralizing the plaque. They can be sprinkled on top of dog food or added to your dog’s water bowl.

4. Dental chews and dental-friendly toys or treats 

Dental-friendly toys and treats are also beneficial teeth-cleaning tools. As your dog chews them, they scrape the plaque off the tooth and massage the gums to improve your dog’s oral health. You can safely give your dog any product approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council. Popular choices include: 

  • Kongs
  • Nylabones
  • Dental chewable treats

Chewing offers additional benefits like stress relief and mental stimulation. However, gnawing on the wrong stuff can do more harm than good. 

Avoid giving your pup:

  • Bones or chew sticks that can fracture teeth
  • Anything that can splinter and leave sharp edges
  • Tennis balls – while they’re okay for fetch, they’re not good chew toys

How to spot the signs of dental disease

Veterinarian checking dog's mouth and teeth

If your dog yawns, giving you a whiff of stinky breath, it might be a sign of dental problems. Recognizing the early symptoms of dental disease ensures your pup gets treatment before the problem becomes severe.

Look out for these symptoms: 

  • Unusually smelly breath
  • Facial swelling
  • Pain around or inside the mouth
  • Bloody or swollen mouth or gums
  • Broken or discolored teeth
  • Visible tartar buildup on the teeth and gum line
  • Abnormal chewing
  • Drooling (sometimes bloody) or dropping food from the mouth
  • Sneezing or nasal discharge (dental disease can invade the nasal cavity)
  • Decreased appetite or refusal to eat

Even though you should do your own checks regularly, nothing can replace an annual dental exam by your veterinarian.

How dental disease is treated 

If your pup does develop dental disease, treatment will depend on how far the disease has progressed

MildThere’s a buildup of plaque and tartar on the tooth, red gums, but no bone loss.A professional cleaning and ongoing daily brushing can treat this.
ModerateThere’s a buildup of plaque and tartar on the tooth, red gums, and some mild bone loss.A professional cleaning and ongoing daily brushing will be necessary so there is no further bone loss.
AdvancedThere’s a buildup of plaque and tartar on the tooth and below the gumline, inflamed gums, and significant bone loss.A professional cleaning and ongoing daily brushing will be necessary so there is no further bone loss, and extraction will be required for teeth with too much bone loss.
SevereOver 50% of the bone has been lost, the gums are infected, and in the most severe cases, the infection has spread to the bloodstream.Damaged teeth will need to be extracted, and the gums will need to be surgically closed with sutures. If an infection is present, antibiotics are typically prescribed. Dogs will also need soft food and pain management after dental treatments.

If your dog needs oral surgery, a veterinary dental specialist may be called in for involved procedures like removing tumors, excising gums with severe periodontal disease, root canals, or extractions of damaged or impacted teeth. While this dental procedure often worries pet parents, your pup is likely to recover quickly and feel much better afterward.

Healthy teeth = healthy pup

Dental disease can be rough on your pup. It’s vitally important to maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine at home and schedule regular professional cleanings to keep your dog’s teeth and gums in top condition. Your pup (and all 42 of their teeth) will thank you for it!

Prevention is key for avoidable issues like dental disease, but you can’t prevent the unexpected. When accidents or illnesses happen, a trip to the vet may be the only way to help your pup get better. Having a pet insurance plan in place can help cover up to 90% of the cost of eligible vet bills. Learn more about how Pumpkin Pet Insurance plans have you and your dog’s back.


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