How To Make Your Dog Throw Up in an Emergency (Spoiler Alert: Don’t)

7 min read
7 min read

Updated - Mar 3rd, 2025

Key Points

  • Making your dog throw up if they eat something toxic can often do more harm than good.
  • Never make your dog throw up without explicit directions from a veterinary expert.
  • Learn the common foods and household items that can be toxic to your dog, and keep them in safe spaces where your pup cannot access them.
  • If your pet is in trouble, you can contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control or the Pet Poison Helpline 24/7/365.

Turns out Lucy the Labrador has a sweet tooth: She downed an entire chocolate bar. As her loving pet parent, you’re likely feeling the stress rising and panic-Googling the question, “How do I make my dog throw up?”

Here’s a better question: Should you make your dog throw up? While your instinct might be to get the toxic substance out of your beloved pup as quickly as possible, this can be dangerous. Forcing your dog to throw up can lead to choking or injury, and so we don’t recommend attempting this unless you’ve been directed to do so by a veterinarian or animal poison control helpline.

What can you do for a dog with a belly full of toxic chocolate, onions, or grapes?

We asked two veterinarians for advice, and they told us what to do if your dog swallows a poisonous substance. In rare cases, making your dog throw up might be a last resort, but read this guide before trying to induce vomiting at home.

How can I make my dog throw up? 

When your dog ingests something harmful, it’s completely reasonable to think you should make them throw it up as quickly as possible.

But the saying “better out than in” doesn’t necessarily apply to your dog. Inducing vomiting in your pet can put them at greater risk and cause serious damage to their health.

“Pet owners should never induce vomiting in their dogs at home without the explicit consent and direction of a veterinarian,” cautions Dr. Jamie Whittenburg (DVM), veterinarian director at Senior Tail Waggers and director of Kingsgate Animal Hospital in Texas. “If you suspect your pet has ingested something they shouldn’t have, you should never induce vomiting by yourself at home.” Instead, call your vet or a pet poison helpline immediately.

Common pet poisons include: 

  • Toxic foods like grapes and raisins
  • Chocolate, coffee, and alcohol
  • Tobacco products 
  • Marijuana, edibles, or any product that contains THC
  • Human medications and supplements
  • Mouse and rat poison
  • Fertilizers and antifreeze
  • Some house plants, like dumb cane and aloe
  • Cleaning products like bleach, fabric softener sheets, laundry pods, and vinegar
  • Xylitol (sweetener found in sugar-free gum and other products)

“Not only is home induction of vomiting dangerous for your pet,” Dr. Whittenburg says, but “whether or not vomiting should even be induced at the vet hospital depends on what toxin was ingested. Vomiting certain toxins can make things even worse.”

For example, throwing up batteries could exacerbate an already dicey health situation. When punctured, common household batteries — such as acid and alkaline batteries, or button and disc batteries — can leak corrosive material into the digestive tract. Vomiting this caustic substance can damage your dog’s esophagus, leading to severe ulcers.

The dangers of inducing vomiting in your dog at home

Making your dog throw up carries other risks as well. First, you don’t always realize that your dog has ingested something harmful until hours later, at which point it’s too late to induce vomiting. And if they swallowed a sharp object, it could seriously damage their organs if they regurgitate it.

Inducing vomiting in brachycephalic dog breeds — such as Pugs, French bulldogs, and Pekingese — can be especially dangerous because of the risk of aspiration pneumonia.

Is hydrogen peroxide safe to induce vomiting in dogs?

Some online sources claim hydrogen peroxide solution is a safe home remedy for inducing vomiting in dogs. If you’re searching for information on how to make your dog throw up, then you’ve likely seen this advice. However, most veterinarians warn pet owners that administering this substance at home can do more harm than good.

“Hydrogen peroxide can burn the esophagus and cause scarring of the inner lining, as well as strictures — which is when the inside of the esophagus narrows due to scar tissue,” says Dr. Whittenburg. “An esophageal stricture is a very serious and sometimes lethal complication that requires extensive treatment to remedy.”

To briefly interrupt this message with a PSA for cat owners: hydrogen peroxide is a strong irritant that should never be given to cats. There is also no safe way to induce vomiting in your cat at home. Always seek veterinary care if your kitty ingests something poisonous.

What to do if you need your dog to throw up

Infographic of steps to take if dog eats something toxic

1. Take your pup to the vet

Seeking veterinary care is by far the safest course of action to take when your dog swallows a toxic substance or foreign body. Your vet will consider your pet’s health, symptoms, the toxic substance ingested, and other relevant factors before deciding on the best treatment.

After getting a holistic understanding of your pet’s situation, your vet might administer medication to induce vomiting, such as apomorphine or Clevor™. In certain circumstances, they might recommend abdominal surgery. They might also give fluids through an IV or keep your pup overnight for monitoring.

If your vet induces vomiting, they will very likely give your dog something to settle their stomach after all the vomit has been cleared. At home, your primary job is to keep your pup calm and comfortable while the nausea subsides. After a few hours, you should be able to slowly introduce small amounts of water and bland food. Contact your veterinarian if your dog shows any other signs of illness during their recovery.

2. If the vet is closed, call a pet poison helpline

It’s never good when our pooches swallow something toxic, but it can be even worse when they ingest a harmful substance after hours.

If the vet’s office is closed, Dr. Whittenburg advises pet owners to call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Hotline at 1-888-426-4435. “The service is available 24 hours a day,” she notes, “and is the best way to find out more about your pet’s risk after a toxin exposure.” If possible, pet parents should be ready to share the toxin’s label, the amount ingested, and their dog’s weight when they call the hotline.

“If you need prompt medical care for your pet,” Dr. Whittenburg adds, “you should head to the nearest emergency hospital.”

Should you ever make your dog throw up?

“Unfortunately, most toxins will not cause any clinical signs until they’ve already been absorbed. By then, it’s much too late for vomiting to help,” says Dr. Whittenburg.

Even if you catch your dog as they’re halfway through a box of chocolates, there is no 100% safe way to make your dog throw up at home. In rare cases, a vet may direct you to induce vomiting in your pup after triaging your pet from a distance and assessing the situation. If so, they will provide specific instructions on what to do next.

Refrain from making your dog throw up if they are:

  • Already vomiting
  • Hyperactive
  • Experiencing seizures
  • Recovering from abdominal surgery 
  • Diagnosed with megaesophagus (enlargement of the esophagus)
  • Severely lethargic
  • Having difficulty breathing

Never try to gag your dog by sticking a finger down their throat. Dogs don’t have the same gag reflex as humans. Your dog could bite you because they’re uncomfortable or scared, which can hurt both you and your dog’s throat.

What are signs my dog needs to throw up?

Sometimes, it’s obvious when dogs and puppies need to throw up. Dr. Whittenburg says that the following signs might indicate that your pup is getting ready to vomit:

  • Nausea
  • Drooling
  • Lip smacking
  • Refusing food
  • Retching

“If you suspect that your dog has ingested something toxic,” Dr. Whittenburg adds, “you should never wait for signs of illness to appear before seeking veterinary care,” 

Few things will frighten you more than watching your four-legged friend swallow something they shouldn’t. It might seem like a good idea to make your dog vomit right away, but doing this without talking to your vet could hurt your dog. You’re better off giving your vet and the pet poison hotline a call first.

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Erin McGuff-Pennington

Erin McGuff-Pennington

Erin is a writer and human mom to Rufus, an adorable, sometimes-curmudgeonly Irish terrier who loves peanut butter and is afraid of cats.
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