Key Points
- Online vet services and pet health helplines can come in handy if you have a quick question about your dog or cat’s wellbeing or medication refills.
- Virtual veterinary care should not replace in-person visits for emergencies, vaccinations, or diagnostic testing for complex conditions.
- Interested in telehealth for your pet? Pumpkin Wellness Club* members get free unlimited access to PawSupport, a 24/7 pet health helpline, as one of many perks of joining.
Life with a pet can be incredibly rewarding, whether your dog is learning to ‘speak’ with voice buttons or just graduated from pee pads to the great outdoors. Between these training milestones — not to mention your own busy schedule — it’s important to carve out time to visit the vet at least once a year.
Now imagine having access to expert veterinary advice whenever you need it, without the hassle of scheduling appointments or leaving your home. This isn’t a far-off fantasy: The Pumpkin Wellness Club offers just that with unlimited access to a 24/7 pet telehealth helpline.
You might be wondering what exactly pet telehealth entails, how much it costs, and if there’s a difference between chatting with an expert via helpline and scheduling a virtual visit with your regular vet. Telehealth services are great if you have questions about your pet’s behavior or diet, but they’re not a replacement for in-person veterinary care.

Pet Pro Tip: Beyond unlimited access to a 24/7 Health Helpline, Pumpkin Wellness Club members can also get cash for routine preventive care services and save up to $390/year with access to special discounts on top pet brands. Learn more about membership options.
Some veterinarians also offer scheduled video calls where they can prescribe and adjust medications, order blood work, and discuss non-emergent health issues if the pet and owner aren’t able to come into the office right away. These visits are known as “telemedicine,” and they’re often preceded or followed by in-person care.
So, in this digital age, when is it worth visiting your vet in person versus sending them a DM? This comprehensive guide will equip you with everything you need to know about online vet visits for your pet.
The rise of telemedicine for pets
Telemedicine for pets obviously has its perks: no guilty feeling as you wrestle your cat or dog into their carrier, praying you’ll make it back to your office in time for your next meeting. Virtual visits allow you to consult a licensed veterinarian without leaving the comfort of your own home, while helplines are great if you have a non-emergent question about your pet’s behavior or diet.
An online vet visit can meet many of a pet owner’s needs, but it’s not always a substitute for an in-person appointment. A licensed veterinarian may be able to diagnose your pet’s health issues or behavioral problems on a video call and even recommend treatment plans via telemedicine. However, your vet will also likely recommend a clinic visit for certain diagnostic tests and procedures that cannot be handled virtually.
How much does an online vet visit cost?
Any pet parent interested in seeing a virtual vet has wondered: just how much does an online vet visit typically cost? Is a virtual visit going to help me save money, or is it just a matter of convenience?
Online veterinarian apps and websites typically charge a flat fee per appointment or a monthly subscription rate. Here are a few factors that may affect the price tag on your pet’s care:
- Cost Per Visit: Some of the most popular virtual vet apps and websites charge between $20 and $150 per consultation. The exact cost per visit will vary depending on the platform you choose, the veterinarian’s experience level, and the complexity of your pet’s issue.
- Subscription Services: Some online veterinary clinics offer monthly or annual subscription plans that can provide unlimited consultations at a discounted rate.
- Location: Similar to traditional vet clinics, online vet visit prices can vary based on where you live.
Alternatively, you can get a pet expert’s advice via helpline. Some wellness programs — like the Pumpkin Wellness Club — actually offer this service as a complimentary benefit for members. In fact, getting unlimited access to 24/7 PawSupport is just one of the many perks of joining the club. Members also get cash for routine preventive care that must be done in person (like vaccinations and blood work).
When can I use telehealth for my pet?
While online vet visits can’t always replace a hands-on examination at your local veterinary clinic, they can be very effective in certain situations. A telehealth consult may make sense for handling medication refills or monitoring a senior pet. If it’s a serious issue, remember that your vet may direct you to schedule an in-person visit after all.
There’s also the online chat feature to consider. Online vet services typically offer a 24/7 helpline in addition to scheduled video chats, and the chat services can help with minor issues you need resolved quickly (like your dog’s separation anxiety or your cat’s picky palate).
Helplines are also useful for real-time advice in cases of emergency — to an extent. If your pup eats something they shouldn’t, for example, you can chat with a vet online to determine whether you need to bring your snack burglar to the local animal hospital. Just know that the answer will almost always be yes, and you should skip the online consult and go straight to the emergency vet if your pet is showing signs of serious distress.
Some other common concerns that can be addressed via 24/7 chat or video visits include:
- Possible symptoms (i.e. “Does my dog have allergies?”)
- Managing chronic conditions
- Wellness care
- Medication concerns
- Dietary changes
- Behavioral changes
- Holistic care options
- Training
When does my pet need an in-person visit?

While online vet visits offer a wealth of benefits, a traditional in-clinic vet appointment remains the gold standard for most care scenarios. Unfortunately, vets haven’t figured out how to give shots via hologram just yet, so certain procedures must be done in-person.
If any of the following scenarios fit your situation, then your pet needs an in-person veterinary visit:
Emergencies: If your pet experiences a sudden, severe illness or injury, seek immediate veterinary care at an emergency animal hospital.
Vaccinations & Wellness Visits: Routine vaccinations, comprehensive physical examinations, and annual screening for parasites or disease conditions are crucial for your pet’s preventive healthcare and require an in-person visit. You may be able to schedule a home visit with a veterinarian, if taking your pet to the vet hospital is significantly difficult for you or your pet.
Diagnostic Tests: Certain diagnostic tests like X-rays, bloodwork, or ultrasounds require specialized equipment that isn’t available for online consultations.
Complex Conditions: In-person care and hands-on assessment are essential for pets with complex conditions requiring intensive treatment.
Can online vets write prescriptions?
While an online veterinarian can likely refill a past prescription, they might not be able to prescribe new medication without seeing the patient in the clinic first. Some states allow vets to write prescriptions via telemedicine only if they have previously seen the patient in-person — in other words, they can prescribe if there is a preexisting veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR).
In other areas, you may be able to get an e-prescription from a licensed vet who solely sees patients online. Pet prescription laws vary from state to state, so check with a local provider if you are unsure of your state’s regulations.
What are the advantages of online vet care?
The landscape of online veterinary care is constantly evolving, and many services offer additional features beyond consultations. Before you choose an online veterinarian or service for your pet’s virtual care, consider whether they offer the following benefits:
- Prescription Delivery: Some online vet platforms can facilitate the delivery of medications directly to your doorstep after a telehealth appointment.
- 24/7 Support: Certain services provide access to veterinary professionals 24/7 for urgent questions or concerns you might have outside of scheduled appointments.
- Emergency Fund: A few online vets also offer access to extra cash in the case of an emergency — if the client pays an additional monthly fee.
- Educational Resources: Many online vet services offer a wealth of educational resources on various pet health topics, so pet parents can research specific conditions and preventive care on their own time.
How to know if a virtual visit is right for your pet

The decision to visit an online vet ultimately depends on your pet’s specific needs and your individual circumstances. Consider your pet’s comfort level, your own busy schedule, and your home internet capabilities before you book a video consultation.
Some pets experience stress from car rides and unfamiliar environments — or they’ve learned to associate their carrier with anxiety-inducing visits to the vet. Online consultations can be a calmer, more comfortable option for nervous dogs and cats who would rather not leave home.
Going virtual can make the visit easier on both pet and vet — as long as you come prepared. Make sure you have the necessary technical capabilities before you schedule an online vet visit. You’ll need a reliable internet connection, possibly a device suitable for video conferencing, and some toys or treats to keep your pet in frame.