Key Points
- It might sound gross, but your cat’s litter box could be full of hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, and other parasites that are making them sick.
- Kittens have a higher risk of getting sick from parasites, so it’s important to see a vet for deworming early in your cat’s life. Luckily, most of these worms are treatable and easily detected with regular fecal testing.
- What’s more, you can get paid $40 toward your cat’s yearly fecal exam and up to $615 per year on other preventive care with the Pumpkin Wellness Club*, a new program that helps you save on your cat’s routine health needs.
In my veterinary practice, I have seen it all: upper respiratory disease, skin disease, seasonal allergies, and countless intestinal blockages. You wouldn’t believe some of the items I’ve removed from cats’ stomachs in my more than 15 years in the business of treating pets — and nothing makes me squirm anymore.
But there’s one diagnosis that always seems to give my pet parents the ick: gastrointestinal parasites, also known familiarly as worms.
Just the thought of parasites living in a cat’s GI tract elicits an emotional response from cat parents. It’s a hard diagnosis to hear if you’re squeamish, but it’s also an extremely common one. Veterinarians regularly diagnose, treat, and prevent gastrointestinal parasites in both indoor cats and outdoor cats. It’s especially common in South Florida, where I practice veterinary medicine.
Prevention is key if you want to avoid hearing the dreaded worms diagnosis. That requires a bit of education first, so steel your stomachs and get ready to learn about four of the most common types of intestinal parasites in cats. I’ll go over how veterinarians diagnose and treat these parasitic infections, and most importantly, how to prevent health issues associated with worms in cats.
1. Hookworms

What are hookworms and how does my cat become infected?
Hookworms are parasites that infect your cat’s intestinal tract by contact or ingestion of larvae (baby hookworms) in a contaminated environment. The parasite attaches to the lining of your cat’s intestinal tract and feeds on their blood. The parasites will then reproduce inside your pet, forming eggs that end up in your cat’s poop. The eggs hatch into larvae (young hookworms) and live in the soil (or your cat’s litter box). Once hatched, hookworms can latch onto your cat again, or they can infect other animals that ingest contaminated dirt or soil (often through licking or grooming).
How will hookworms affect my cat?
Hookworms feed on your cat’s blood, which results in blood loss and anemia. These parasites can be a serious threat to young or malnourished kittens that may not be able to survive the blood loss without a transfusion at a hospital and extensive follow-up care. In addition to blood loss, hookworms can cause diarrhea and weight loss in adult cats.
How does my cat get diagnosed with hookworms?
Hookworms in cats are diagnosed with a routine fecal test. A sample of your pet’s poop will be examined under a microscope for hookworm eggs as well as hookworm antigen (a protein on the surface of a hookworm parasite) to check for a positive infection.
How do I treat hookworm parasites in my cat?
Fortunately, hookworms in cats can be easily treated with a broad-spectrum antiparasitic called Pyrantel Pamoate (brand name Nemex). Speak with your veterinarian regarding the proper dosing protocol to treat hookworms. Your veterinarian will check for parasites again with a follow-up fecal test after deworming.
How do I prevent my cat from becoming infected with hookworms?
Ensuring your pet’s surroundings are clean and free of contamination is one step in preventing hookworm infection. That means scooping your cat’s litter box regularly, as well as sweeping up debris and ensuring their outdoor space is clean (if your cat spends time outside).
I always suggest deworming kittens at 6-8 and 10-12 weeks of age. Kittens have a high risk of hookworm infection, and it is always best to routinely deworm them.
The most effective way of preventing hookworm infection is having your veterinarian perform a routine fecal test once or twice a year. This routine examination detects intestinal parasites early, when the infection is more manageable.
Can humans become infected with hookworms?
These intestinal parasites are routinely found in cats, kittens, and puppies — and they can pass into the environment through your pet’s stool.
People can pick up hookworms on their skin by walking barefoot or playing outside. A young child may also accidentally eat the worm eggs from a contaminated environment. These parasites can live a long time in soil, so they may easily be picked up through dirt, playgrounds, or sandboxes if cats frequent those areas.
Hookworms can cause painful and itchy skin infections or abdominal symptoms in humans. If you or your child experience any of these symptoms, contact your healthcare provider. Some infections do not need medical treatment, but more severe cases that affect specific organs (eyes, lungs, etc.) may need medical attention.
As with all parasitic infestations, prevention is key! Always wash your hands before eating and after cleaning your cat’s litter box. If you have kids at home, make sure they wash their hands well after playing outside or playing with animals (especially before eating or putting their dirt-covered hands in their mouths).
2. Roundworms

What are roundworms, and how does my cat become infected?
Roundworm parasites in cats are the most common type of worm I diagnose and treat.
Roundworms are parasites that can enter your cat’s intestinal tract when they drink their mother’s milk as a kitten. These intestinal parasites can also infect your cat via contact with or digestion of larvae (baby roundworms) in a contaminated environment, or if your cat eats an infected animal, like a mouse.
The parasite attaches to the lining of the intestinal tract and feeds on the blood of its host (your cat). These parasites will reproduce inside the intestinal tract and form eggs that are passed through your cat’s feces. The eggs hatch into roundworm larvae, which mature into young roundworms and live in the soil or litter box. Reinfection can then occur by digestion of contaminated dirt or soil.
How will roundworms affect my cat?
Many pets will not show signs of a roundworm infection. Other cats, especially kittens, may experience diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, a dull hair coat, and a pot-bellied appearance.
How does my cat get diagnosed with roundworms?
Roundworms in cats are diagnosed with a routine fecal test. A sample of your pet’s poop will be examined under a microscope for roundworm eggs as well as roundworm antigen (a protein on the surface of a roundworm parasite) to check for a positive infection.
How do I treat roundworms in my cat?
Fortunately, roundworms in cats are easily treated with a broad-spectrum antiparasitic called Pyrantel Pamoate (brand name Nemex). Speak with your veterinarian regarding the proper dosing protocol to treat roundworms. They will also run a follow-up fecal test after deworming to ensure the parasites are gone.
How do I prevent my cat from becoming infected with roundworms?
Step one is ensuring that your pet’s surroundings are clean and free of contamination. You can do this by regularly removing poop from the litter box or outdoor area where your cat goes to the bathroom. If you have a cat that spends time outside, you should also keep an eye on them to make sure they’re not hunting or eating wild animals.
I always suggest kittens be dewormed at 6-8 and 10-12 weeks of age. Kittens are at high risk of roundworm infection, and it is always best to routinely deworm them.
Again, the most effective way of preventing roundworm infection is through a routine fecal test. Whether your cat is showing clinical signs or not, it is important to have their poop examined annually for parasites. Testing is an easy and effective way to detect intestinal parasites early and treat or prevent infection.
Can humans become infected with roundworms?
These intestinal parasites are routinely found in cats, kittens, and puppies. They can also infect humans who come into contact with an infected animal’s poop.
It sounds really gross, but people can become infected by accidentally consuming contaminated soil or feces. A young child may also accidentally eat worm eggs from a contaminated environment. Children can get the worms on their hands while playing in dirt where cats poop, such as in the backyard, on playgrounds, or in sandboxes. And we all know where those hands go next: right in the mouth!
Your child should always wash their hands well after playing outside and before eating or putting their hands in their mouth. Roundworm infections may cause no symptoms in some people but have resulted in nerve or eye damage in others. If you or a loved one experiences these symptoms out of the blue, you should consult your primary care physician as soon as possible.
3. Tapeworms

What are tapeworms, and how does my cat become infected?
Tapeworms are long, flat parasitic worms that attach themselves to your cat’s intestines. Tapeworms are recognizable by their multiple segments (proglottids), each with their own reproductive organs.
Cats become infected by ingesting an intermediate host, usually another mammal infected with the tapeworm parasite.
There are different species of tapeworms. Dipylidium caninum is a tapeworm found in an infected flea, whereas Taenia and Echinococcus species use small rodents (mice, rats, squirrels), rabbits, or large animals (such as deer or sheep) as their intermediate hosts.
How will tapeworms affect my cat?
Cats infected with tapeworms usually do not show signs of illness.
How does my cat get diagnosed with tapeworms?
Most of the time, pet parents diagnose tapeworms themselves by finding segments (which appear as small white worms that may look like grains of rice or seeds) on the rear end of the cat, in the cat’s poop, or where the cat lives and sleeps (gross, I know!).
Tapeworms in cats can also be diagnosed with a routine fecal test. A sample of your pet’s feces will be examined under a microscope to check for tapeworm eggs as well as tapeworm antigen (a protein on the surface of a tapeworm parasite) to assess for infection. Identification of either eggs or the antigen indicates a positive infection.
How do I treat tapeworms in my cat?
Fortunately, tapeworms in cats are easily treated. A one-time injection of praziquantel (an anti-parasitic) will resolve tapeworm infections. Your veterinarian will run a follow-up fecal test after the worming treatment to ensure the parasites are gone.
How do I prevent my cat from becoming infected with tapeworms?
Ensuring your pet is on an effective monthly flea preventative is essential in preventing tapeworm disease in cats. Try to keep your cat from contacting any animals that may carry tapeworm eggs or larvae.
The most effective way to prevent tapeworm disease is through a routine fecal test. Whether your cat shows clinical signs or not, it is important to have a fecal sample tested for parasites once or twice a year. A routine test is an easy and effective way to detect intestinal parasites early and treat or prevent disease.
Can humans become infected with tapeworms?
Most human tapeworm infections come from eating contaminated meats. That being said, a human can also ingest tapeworm larvae by accidentally swallowing an infected flea.
The most common signs of human tapeworm infestation include: visible eggs, larvae, or segments from the tapeworm in stools; abdominal pain; vomiting; nausea; general weakness; inflammation of the intestine; diarrhea; and weight loss.
Again, prevention is always the best form of battling intestinal parasites. Preventing flea infestations in your yard and home by administering a monthly flea preventative to your cat is one of the easiest ways to keep tapeworms out of your cat’s stomach and your home.

Pet Pro Tip: New to feline preventive care? Join the Pumpkin Wellness Club, a new program that actually pays you for providing your cat with the routine preventive care that they need to stay healthy. Depending on your membership level, you can save up to $390 per year on veterinary services like fecal testing, annual wellness visits, and flea & tick prevention — plus access to a 24/7 Pet Health Helpline and discounts on top products your cat will love.
4. Coccidia

What are Coccidia and how does my cat become infected?
Coccidia are tiny, single-celled parasites that live in a cat’s intestinal wall. Technically, coccidia aren’t worms, but they are a common intestinal parasite in cats, and treatment often falls under the umbrella of “deworming.”
Kittens are more susceptible to coccidia infection, but adult cats can become infected as well. Cats become infected by eating contaminated feces or infected rodents. These tiny parasites are shed in poop and then passed onto other unsuspecting animals, like your beloved family pet.
How will coccidia affect my cat?
Infected cats may show no signs or symptoms of these parasites at all. Kittens are most susceptible to serious complications because their immune systems are weak. If infected, the most common clinical sign of coccidia is diarrhea. Severe infestation can result in extreme cases of diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, or even death.
How does my cat get diagnosed with coccidia?
Coccidia in cats are diagnosed with a routine fecal test. A sample of your pet’s poop will be examined under a microscope. The sample will be examined for microscopic coccidia eggs as well as coccidia antigen (a protein on the surface of a coccidia parasite) to assess for infection. Identification of either eggs or the antigen is indicative of a positive infection.
How do I treat coccidia parasites in my cat?
Fortunately, coccidia in cats are easily treated with a dewormer. Your veterinarian will use a broad-spectrum antiparasitic called Albendazole (Sulfadimethoxine). Speak with your vet regarding the proper dosing protocol. They will also run a follow-up fecal test after deworming to ensure the parasites are gone.
How do I prevent my cat from becoming infected with coccidia?
Ensuring your pet’s surroundings are clean and free of contamination is one step in preventing coccidia infection. Make sure to clean your indoor cat’s litter box routinely and try to prevent your outdoor cat from hunting.
I always advise that young kittens have routine fecal tests performed at 6-8 and 10-12 weeks of age. The most effective way to prevent a coccidia infestation in your cat’s intestine, or coccidiosis, is with routine fecal testing. Whether your cat is showing clinical signs or not, it is important to have their fecal sample tested once to twice a year for parasites. This is an easy and effective way to detect coccidia and other intestinal parasites early and treat or prevent infection.
Preventing worms in cats: The final word
Few things are as terrifying to pet parents as learning their beloved kitty has worms. (Your cat appearing at the back door with a bloody, potentially parasite-ridden mouse in their mouth has to be up there.) The thought of these pesky parasites wreaking havoc and feeding on our cats is a scary one, but you now know how to recognize the signs and prevent infection.
Remember that gastrointestinal parasites are often easily treatable, and even easier to prevent with routine fecal testing. Speak with your veterinarian and make sure your cat is getting annual or twice-yearly fecal exams. And while you’re planning for your cat’s wellness care, consider learning more about the Pumpkin Wellness Club as a way to save on important preventive care services and other pet-friendly perks.
As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your pet, you should visit or call your vet without hesitation. As a small animal vet myself, I guarantee your veterinarian has only one goal in mind: to make sure your pets are happy and healthy.